Wednesday, March 21: Publish Your #VisiblePoem

Click HERE for Unit 7: Poetry Workshop HyperDoc

Learning Targets: Publish one of your free verse poems. Include an original or “free to use” image to help readers visualize.


  • Absent Yesterday? Read the blog. Create Free Verse Poems for Weekly Pages 12.
  • Quarter 3 Reading Ladder Reflection: Tomorrow
  • New Personal Learning Routine: All assignments are in G Classroom. Start in G Classroom every day. Read the directions. Press MARK AS DONE or Turn In for everything.
  • Friday 3/23 Book Talks


1)#024 Starter: Golden 10 

Open Google Classroom and assignment #024 Golden 10: Weekly Work Chart.

Read the directions.

Spend 10 minutes on late work or “To do if I have time…”


2) #028 Wake-Up Wednesday Video

Open the Google Classroom assignment #028 Wake-Up Wednesday to type your response to the Favorite Poem Project Video: “Caminante, no hay camino.”

WUW 3:21


3) #022 Poetry Workshop HyperDoc: Publish

Open #022 Poetry Workshop in Google Classroom.

Open the link to the Poetry Workshop HyperDoc.

Scroll to Publish and read the directions. Watch the video tutorials (on the #VisiblePoem Slide Deck) to get started.

The YouTube Playlist below contains 3 videos about how to make your #VisiblePoem:


4) #030 Debrief & Exit Routine


Homework: Read, Charge iPad, Weekly Pages 12, Books I Finished

Tuesday, March 20: Create a Free Verse Poem

Click HERE for Unit 7: Poetry Workshop HyperDoc

Learning Targets: Write at least two free verse poems. Use sensory details, similes, and metaphors.


  • Absent Yesterday: Check the blog. Read. Complete your GV agenda. Complete Flocabulary: What Is Poetry?
  • Finish Argument Draft (Late)
  • Make-Up: Monitor & Discuss Assessment
  • Flocabulary Poetry Quiz: Restudy and request a regrade (below 80% or below 3 on NEO).
  • Quarter 3 Reading Ladder Reflection: Thursday–Complete Books I Finished column


1) Starter: Golden 10 

Open Google Classroom and assignment #024 Golden 10: Weekly Work Chart.

Read the directions.

Spend 10 minutes on late work or “To do if I have time…”



2) Poetry Workshop HyperDoc: Create Free Verse Poems

Open #022 Poetry Workshop in Google Classroom.

Open the link to the Poetry Workshop HyperDoc.

Scroll to Create Free Verse Poems.

Watch the YouTube tutorial for How to Write a Free Verse Poem.

Write your own poem in your English Journal. Title the entry Weekly Pages 12: Free Verse Poetry.

When you finish, start the next style of Free Verse Poem on the HyperDoc. You need to finish at least two types.


3) Debrief & Exit Routine

Analyzing Craft

Open the #027 Exit Ticket assignment in Google Classroom. Answer the question below:

ANALYZING CRAFT: Find the simile in the following lines. What is being compared?

“I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills..”
– from “The Daffodils” by William Wordsworth


Homework: Read, Charge Your iPad, Weekly Pages 12: Free Verse Poetry


Tuesday, March 13: Revising from Feedback

Click HERE for Unit 6: Take a Stand Site

Learning Targets: Read the teacher feedback about your written argument (in Google Classroom). Make changes to your draft and Request a Regrade. Read an article about Anne Frank in preparation for tomorrow’s assembly.


  • Absent Yesterday? Check the blog, renew or Checkout Library Books, complete agenda
  • Make-Up: Monitor & Discuss Assessment
  • Regrade for Written Argument: Revise based on my feedback. Request a regrade (lower than 3).
  • Make-Up Speeches: Dominick, Noah, Jason
  • Book Talks Monday 3/19


1) Starter: Golden 10 (Revising Your Argument Draft from Feedback)

Complete today’s weekly work chart. Spend 10 minutes on late work or on To do when you are done.

Revising Meaning

Most students spend the Golden 10 revising the argument draft from my feedback. To see my comments, click on the assignment titled Argument Draft in Google Classroom.

Notice I have recorded STRENGTHS & STRETCHES. Strengths are what you did well. Stretches are things for you to improve in order to make your argument better.


After you read your feedback, please reply back with a question or comment.


After you revise your draft, complete the Request a Regrade form.


2) Newsela: “Anne Frank”

In preparation for tomorrow’s assembly, read the Newsela article assigned to you about Anne Frank. Click HERE for the article. Be sure to sign in with Google.

After you read, complete the writing activity and take the quiz.


3) Debrief & Exit Routine


Homework: Read, Charge Your iPad, Revise Your Argument Draft (Due Thursday), Finish Newsela: Anne Frank (Quiz and Write)


Tuesday, March 6: Revise Your Draft

Click HERE for Unit 6: Take a Stand Site

Learning Targets: Analyze your argument draft: How much evidence do you have? Do you have enough reasoning and elaboration? Have you minimized summary?


  • Absent Yesterday? Read yesterday’s blog, especially about how to write a counterargument
  • Argument YouTube “Think Alouds”→ Look on the Writing page of the Unit 6 website or on the Draft Your Argument assignment on G Classroom.
  • Book Talks This Week
  • QUIZ: ArgumentYour Highest Grade is in NEO
  • Make-Up: Monitor & Discuss Assessment


1) Starter: Golden 10

Complete today’s weekly work chart. Spend 10 minutes on late work or on To do when you are done.


2) Revise & Reflect (Assessment Grade)

Revising Meaning

Click HERE to go to the Revise page on the Unit 6 website.

Watch this video tutorial:


After you color-code your essay, complete the Reflecting & Relating form. Go to the Reflecting & Relating assignment in Google Classroom or click HERE. NOTE: This is an assessment grade.


3) Workshop Time

Catch Up on Unit 6: Take a Stand.

If you finish the Revise assignment, turn in your draft to Google Classroom.


4) Debrief & Exit Routine


Homework: Read, Charge Your iPad, Color-Code and Revise


March 2: Adding Evidence and Reasoning

Click HERE for Unit 6: Take a Stand Site

Learning Targets: Read. Track progress. Participate in Book talks. Add evidence and elaboration (reasoning) to your argument.


  • Absent Yesterday? Read yesterday’s blog for details on the Dr. Suess celebration.
  • Book talks Monday 3/5


1) Read

Complete this week’s reading log.

Participate in Book Talks. Write reading ideas in your My Next Reads list.


2) Minilesson: Adding Evidence and Reasoning

Read about Step 5: Write on  Unit 6: Take a Stand

Open your own Argument Draft from Google Classroom. Type your Draft on Docs.

Your goal for today is to write body paragraphs with evidence and reasoning to support your claim.

You  may want to refer to the anchor charts on the slide deck below.


3) Quiz: Claims, Evidence, and Reasoning

Go to Socrative / ENG7RM402 to take the quiz. If you are absent, you will need to make an appointment with me to make this up.


Homework: Read, Charge Your iPad, Argument Essay (Intro and body paragraphs)