Thursday, May 3: Track Your Thinking


Goals: Read and track your thinking. Write at least a paragraph in response to what we read. Practice reading aloud with feeling.


  • Renewed books?
  • Missing Work: #022 Visible Poem, 1 argument
  • Visible Poem Published!


1) #055 Starter

Open the #055 Starter in Google Classroom. When you finish, MARK AS DONE.


Screen Shot 2018-05-02 at 1.47.04 PM

2) Read from page 15 (~20 – 30 minutes)


3) Voice Actors Wanted

Choose a passage from what we read today. Find a section of the book with dialogue and interior monologue or description. Read with feeling several times—to yourself and to a partner. Take turns reading with your partner until both of you can read without mistakes.

Your goal is to increase your fluency by—

  • Reading at an appropriate pace and volume.
  • Pronouncing words correctly.
  • Pausing at punctuation.
  • Modulating, or changing, your voice to show emotion or to emphasize specific parts.


4) #058 Thought Log

Open your copy of  #058 Thought Log in Google Docs. Track your thinking from what we read today. Click HERE to see the “Track Your Thinking” prompts.


5) Debrief


HW: Read, Charge iPad, Complete ATH Thought Log

Wednesday, May 2: Start Reading Among the Hidden


Click HERE for the Among the Hidden Unit 9 website.

Learning Targets: Track your thinking with cognitive strategies. Refer to the text. Elaborate on your responses. Take a stand on several controversial issues. Articulate your point of view. Keep an open mind. Reflect on your own learning. Revise your work.


  • Check NEO for missing work: #053 #BookLove Reading Log, #022 Visible Poem
  • Schedule Book Talks
  • iPad Reminders
  • Quarter 4 Reading Ladder Reflection May 21
  • Today’s bell schedule
  • Thank You Gift from Mr. Ortega


1) #054  Agenda

Open assignment #054 in Google Classroom and find the Unit Calendar (or click HERE). Copy this week’s assignments in your agenda. For the full month view and active links, click Assignment Calendar in the right sidebar.


2) #055 STARTER: Wake-Up Wednesday Video

Open the #055 Starter in Google Classroom. Read the directions. Click HERE to see the Thought Log.

Press MARK AS DONE when you are finished.


3) Check Out Among the Hidden from the Library.


4) #056 Among the Hidden Unit Website

Click HERE to go to the website or type into your browser.

Explore by clicking on all tabs. Skim the various assignments.

What questions might a student have about this unit?


5) Read and #058 Thought Log

Open your copy of #058 Thought Log in Google Classroom. Read the directions carefully.  You will type on this log daily as we read.

Start reading Among the Hidden.  Remember, that you will be tracking your thinking when we finish. As you read today, visualize the characters and setting. Make predictions about what will happen next.

After reading for 30 to 40 minutes, write your first Thought Log entry. Work on elaborating your response. Say more than you normally would. Be sure to spend a couple of minutes revising what you wrote.


Homework: Read, Charge Your iPad, Continue Reading Your Self-Selected Reading Book