Friday, March 23: Polish for Publication

Click HERE for Unit 7: Poetry Workshop HyperDoc

Learning Targets: Read. Update your reading log (track your progress). Polish your poem for publication.


  • Absent Yesterday? Read the blog. Reading Ladder Reflection and MARK AS DONE
  • April SBAC Testing & practice
  • Keep on Reading!


1) Read and Update #BookLove Reading Log

Read for 15 minutes and update this week’s reading log. Click

EXAMPLE for 3/23


Proofread your #029 Quarter 3 Reading Ladder Reflection. Be sure to include at least one of the Potential Goals for Readers.  Make sure you MARK AS DONE in Google Classroom.


EXAMPLE QTR 3 Reading Ladder Reflection


Participate in Book Talks. If you are listening, write books titles on your My Next Reads list in Notes.

Requirements for 60-Second Booktalk


2) Minilesson: Polish Your Poem

ANALYZING CRAFT: Study the my example for the #VisiblePoem publication. What do you notice?

Use the example (or mentor text) to proofread and polish your own poem.


3) Workshop Time

Here are your priorities for today’s workshop time. Please MARK AS DONE in Google Classroom as you finish each one.


Homework: Read, Charge iPad

Thursday, October 26: Publish Your Narrative!

Minions and Publish

Goal: Complete a final proofread. Turn in your draft.


  • DUE TODAY: Revise and Publish (Steps 1 – 4)
  • Missing / Incomplete Work (Narratives, Flocabulary: Using Descriptive Language, Reading Log): Send a message via NEO or email or if the assignment has been graded, complete the  Request a Regrade form (upper right).
  • Absent Yesterday? Revise and Publish in 5 Steps
  • New Seats Today

Writing Workshop

1) Get Organized

  • Take out English folder with Revise and Publish in 5 StepsRevise & Publish in 5 Steps
  • Make sure Sensory Detail Words handout is secured in the brads. You will need this later.
  • Open your Narrative draft in Google Drive.


2) Final Proofread

Reread the directions for Revise and Publish Step 4. Complete one last final proofread before you publish this draft. It must be as error free as possible.


3) Publish Your Narrative to NEO & Write a 2-Sentence Reflection

Watch this video with the steps for turning in your narrative:

Before you press Save and Submit, write a two-sentence reflection with one strength and one “stretch”:

  • One thing I did well is…
  • I am still working on… / I am confused about…


4) PAT Time

PAT Time Choices


Homework: Read (Bring Book Tomorrow). Charge iPad. LATE: Narrative / Flocabulary

Wednesday, October 25: Revise & Proofread Your Narrative

Goals: Set goals for revision. Add descriptive language to help readers visualize. Add transitions to help readers summarize. Proofread for errors.


Writing Workshop

Revise & Publish in 5 Steps

  1. Revise and Proofread Your Narrative (Steps 1 to 4) :

    •  Open Draft Your Narrative from Google Drive.
    • Use the Revise and Publish in 5 Steps handout to guide your work today.
    • Check off each item as you complete it.
    • Complete steps 1 to 4 today.
  2. If you finish steps 1 to 4—

    • Congratulations! You are ready to publish.
    • Follow the directions for step 5: Publish Your Draft to NEO. For a video tutorial, click here.
  3. Choose from “What to Do When You Are Done” (right sidebar)

Homework: Read. Charge iPad. Finish Revise and Publish (Steps 1 to 4)