Thursday, April 12: SBAC Interim (Performance Task)–Part 2

Goals: Read the task for part 2 of the SBAC performance task. Analyze the task by constructing a Do / What chart before you start the essay.



1. #045 Starter: Complete today’s starter in Google Classroom. See your classmates’s responses. MARK AS DONE.

If you missed class today, you can see the #Wake-Up Wednesday video HERE. Respond with the cognitive strategy Making Connections.

2. SBAC Performance Task (Practice)–Part 2

If you are absent you cannot make this up. You need to be in class, so I can activate the testing session. If you want to practice on your own, you can use the SBAC practice site HERE (log in as a guest and choose the grade 7 practice test).

Homework: Read 30 minutes, charge iPad

Friday, February 23: Book Checkout & Read!

Click HERE for Unit 6: Take a Stand Site

Learning Targets: Read. Track progress. Participate in book talks. Browse books in the library. Monitor your progress on writing your argument. Participate in an academic discussion.


  • Absent Yesterday? Read the blog for details on mentor text.
  • Book Talks Friday 3/2
  • Substitute on Monday = Write Your Argument
  • Raffle (end of class)


1) Read


2)  Update your #BookLove Reading Log



3) Book Talks

Open your My Next Reads list in Notes. Jot down any titles that interest you.

Requirements for 60-Second Booktalk


3) Announcements


4) Browse and Checkout Books


5) Academic Discussion

Open Google Classroom and respond to the discussion question (see image below). Reply back to at least two classmates.


6) Debrief & Exit Routine


Homework: Read, Charge Your iPad, Argument 1, 2, 3, and 4


Wednesday, February 21: Find Your Evidence

Click HERE for Unit 6: Take a Stand Site

Learning Targets: Take notes from two sources. Find evidence to support the claim you want to make in your argument.


  • Date changes: We will visit the library on Friday (not Thursday). The Mentor Text assignment will be completed in class on Thursday. Click HERE for the assignment calendar.
  • Absent yesterday? Click HERE for yesterday’s blog post. Please complete all assignments.
  • Book Talks on Friday
  • NEO Grades–Go for a score of 3 on all assignments. Request a regrade if you don’t get a 3.


1) Starter: Golden 10

Complete today’s weekly work chart. Spend 10 minutes on late work or on To do when you are done.


2) Wake-Up Wednesday

Use the cognitive strategy CLARIFYING to respond.  Write your response on the Socrative App: ENG7RM402


3) Workshop Time

Click HERE for directions on the Unit 6: Take a Stand site. Here are today’s priorities:

1. Prompt (Do / What): Complete the activity and Turn in to Google Classroom. (LATE)

2. Topic: Explore the topics and submit the Google Form with your choices. (LATE)

3. Research: Find your second source. Take notes. Turn completed notes into Google Classroom. (DUE TOMORROW)


4) Debrief & Exit Routine


Homework: Read, Charge Your iPad, Argument 1, 2, & 3 (Research)


Tuesday, February 20: Analyze the Prompt & Choose a Topic

Learning Targets: Analyze a writing prompt. Evaluate potential topics and choose one.


  • No Weekly Pages for the next two weeks
  • Mid-Quarter Progress reports out this week

1) Agenda

Copy this week’s assignments in your agenda. For the full month view and active links, click Assignment Calendar in the right sidebar.


2) Starter: Golden 10

Complete today’s weekly work chart. Spend 10 minutes on late work or on To do when you are done.


3) New Unit: Take a Stand (Argumentative Writing)

Take a few minutes exploring the Take a Stand site. What questions do you have?


4) Argumentative Writing Prompt

Open the prompt in Google Classroom. Read and analyze the prompt. Complete the Do / What Chart.


4) Choose a Topic

Click on the tab for Topic on the Take a Stand site. Browse the topic ideas. Complete the Google Form with your top three choices.


5) Debrief & Exit Routine


Homework: Read, Charge Your iPad, Choose a Topic

Late / Make-Up Work: Newsela #2,  Summary #2, Writing Seeds 1,2 & 3