Thursday, January 4: Nothing Gold Can Stay

Goals: Read chapters 9 and 10. Complete at least 10 close reading responses. Read and respond to one Newsela nonfiction article or get started with capitalization on No Red Ink


  • If you are finished reading The Outsiders, be sure you have another book to read. Reading Logs are still turned in in Fridays.
  • To work ahead on The Outsiders unit, visit the website:

1) Starter

Click HERE to see find the starter in Google Classroom.  On the Google form, answer the following questions.

Revising Meaning

Reread the poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay” on p. 77 of The Outsiders. What does it mean when the poet ways, “Nothing Gold Can Stay”? If you need a way to start, try—


3) Nonfiction on Newsela

Some students started reading The Outsiders nonfiction on Newsela yesterday. However, many need to follow the instructions more carefully. For each article you are required to—

  • Read and annotate with cognitive strategies
  • Write to the prompt
  • Complete the quiz

Before workshop today, let’s go through the steps with one of the assigned articles. Use the presentation below to go through the steps.


4) Workshop Time

5) Exit Ticket


HOMEWORK: Outsiders Ch. 9 & 10, At Least 10 Close Reading Responses, Newsela Nonfiction Article or No Red Ink Pretest

Wednesday, January 3: Can Criminals Also Be Heroes?

Goals: Read chapters 7 and 8. Complete at least 8 close reading responses. Read and respond to one Newsela nonfiction article.


  • Still waiting for 4 students to publish the instruction guides to happiness. Meet with me today.
  • If you are finished reading The Outsiders, be sure you have another book to read. Reading Logs are still turned in in Fridays.
  • To work ahead on The Outsiders unit, visit the website:

1) Starter

Click HERE to see find the starter in Google Classroom.  On the Google form, answer the following questions.

Can a criminal also be a hero? Why or why not? Give an example from The Outsiders and/or real life.

2) Outsiders Unit Website:

  • Click the above link to explore the unit website for The Outsiders. What do you notice? What questions do you have?
  • Add the site to the home screen of your iPad.

3) Nonfiction on Newsela

  • On the website, click the Nonfiction tab.
  • Follow the directions for accessing Newsela. You may use the Newsela app or a web browser (Safari or Chrome).
  • NOTE: You can read articles on the app without WiFi access.
  • You may read the articles in any order, as long as you finish all activities by January 18.

4) Workshop Time

5) Exit Ticket

HOMEWORK: Outsiders Ch. 7 & 8, At Least 8 Close Reading Responses, Newsela Nonfiction Article

Tuesday, January 2: Welcome Back!

Goals: Participate in a community circle. Review The Outsiders Unit Goals. Revise and publish one of your close reading responses.


  • Still waiting for 4 students to publish the instruction guides to happiness. Meet with me today.
  • No Weekly Pages while we read The Outsiders. Instead, each response should be at least paragraph length.
  • Because we missed a week and a half of school, there will be no mid-year writing portfolio assessment. There will still be an end-of-year writing portfolio.
  • If you are finished reading The Outsiders, be sure you have another book to read. Reading Logs are still turned in in Fridays.
  • To work ahead on The Outsiders unit, visit the website:

1) Agenda

Copy this week’s assignments in your agenda. For the month view, click HERE.

Agenda Jan. 2

2) Community Circle

Today’s circle will have two rounds. Click through the slide deck below to read about circle norms and to see today’s questions.

Before you complete the second round of the circle, watch this “Terrific Tuesday” motivational video. As you watch, use the cognitive strategy Analyzing Author’s Craft.

Analyzing Author's Craft_Sentence Stems

3) How to Write a High-Quality Close Reading Response

  • Click HERE to open the assignment in Google Classroom.
  • Read the feedback on your responses from Ch. 1 to 3.
  • Reread how to earn an A and look at the sample responses from The Hunger Games.



  • Scroll down to see the list of transitions and transitional expressions. Be sure to use at least one in each response. Highlight the transition so that I can find it easily.

4)  Revise Your Close Reading Responses and Publish Your Favorite on Socrative.


HOMEWORK: Outsiders Ch. 1 – 6, At Least 6 Close Reading Responses, Done with Outsiders? Read Another Book

Wednesday, November 6: Wake Up Wednesday and Outsiders Ch 6

Goals: Read Outsiders Ch. 6. Write 1 – 2 close reading responses. Practice adopting an alignment with people in a short video.


  • Substitute Tomorrow: Read Outsiders and work on close reading responses. If you are finished with the book and all 15 responses, start on the Newsela assignments or No Red Ink.
  • Apps to Download from Self Service: Google Chrome and Newsela
  • Make sure all Docs in your English folder in Drive have “offline access”

1) Starter

Click HERE to answer the starter question in Google Classroom.

2) Newsela: Outsiders Nonfiction

  • Click HERE for how to get started with Newsela.
  • Take a few minutes to log in and see the three assigned nonfiction articles. All three relate to The Outsiders. You can read them in any order. As you read, highlight and annotate with cognitive strategy responses. When you are done, write to the prompt and take the quiz.
  • When you finish the three required articles, you can earn bonus points for reading other articles in the Outsiders Text Set. Click HERE and scroll to Go Beyond for directions.

3) Outsiders Ch. 6 &  Close Reading Response

  • Click HERE to open the assignment in Google Classroom.
  • Click HERE to open the audiobook resources in Google Classroom. You may listen and read along OR simply read.
  • Check the Find the Chapter chart to locate your place in the audiobook. If you are keeping up with the reading, you should be on Chapter 6 or beyond.
  • Use the Cognitive Strategies Booklet (see below) to help you craft high-quality responses.

3) If You Finish Early Choose One of the Following Activities:


HOMEWORK: Read Ch.6, 1 – 2 Close Reading Responses

Tuesday, December 5: Outsiders Ch. 5 & Forming Interpretations

Goals: Read. Add one or two extended close reading responses.


  • Congratulations to those who finished the instruction guide to happiness. Check NEO to see the scoring guide with your grade. Comments are in Google Classroom and NEO. I have not finished grading all of them yet.
  • Absent yesterday? Read yesterday’s blog post and catch up on Outsiders Ch. 4.

1) Starter

Click HERE to open the starter in Google Classroom.

Tuesday, December 5: Outsiders Ch. 5 & Forming InterpretationsSummarizing


2) Outsiders Ch. 5 &  Close Reading Response

  • Click HERE to open the assignment in Google Classroom.


  • Click HERE to open the audiobook resources in Google Classroom. You may listen and read along OR simply read.
  • Check the Find the Chapter chart to locate your place in the audiobook. If you are keeping up with the reading, you should be on Chapter 5 or beyond.
  • Use the Cognitive Strategies Booklet (see below) to help you craft high-quality responses.

3) If You Finish Early Choose One of the Following Activities:


HOMEWORK: Read Ch.5, 1 – 2 Close Reading Responses