Thursday, October 26: Publish Your Narrative!

Minions and Publish

Goal: Complete a final proofread. Turn in your draft.


  • DUE TODAY: Revise and Publish (Steps 1 – 4)
  • Missing / Incomplete Work (Narratives, Flocabulary: Using Descriptive Language, Reading Log): Send a message via NEO or email or if the assignment has been graded, complete the  Request a Regrade form (upper right).
  • Absent Yesterday? Revise and Publish in 5 Steps
  • New Seats Today

Writing Workshop

1) Get Organized

  • Take out English folder with Revise and Publish in 5 StepsRevise & Publish in 5 Steps
  • Make sure Sensory Detail Words handout is secured in the brads. You will need this later.
  • Open your Narrative draft in Google Drive.


2) Final Proofread

Reread the directions for Revise and Publish Step 4. Complete one last final proofread before you publish this draft. It must be as error free as possible.


3) Publish Your Narrative to NEO & Write a 2-Sentence Reflection

Watch this video with the steps for turning in your narrative:

Before you press Save and Submit, write a two-sentence reflection with one strength and one “stretch”:

  • One thing I did well is…
  • I am still working on… / I am confused about…


4) PAT Time

PAT Time Choices


Homework: Read (Bring Book Tomorrow). Charge iPad. LATE: Narrative / Flocabulary

Tech Tutorial #1 (Continued): Send an Academic Message

Goal: Send an academic message to your teacher.

Take out the Tech Tutorial 1 handout from yesterday. Click HERE for the link.

After you watch the video, read the directions for the “Academic Message“on the handout (page 2).

This will be graded with the Rubric for Small Assignments (click the link).

Here is an example of an academic message:

Sample academic message

If you finish early—

Either complete your missing work or choose from the options under What to Do When You Are Done on the right sidebar.

HW: Read 30 minutes & Bring Book

Tech Tutorial #1: Check Your Grades and Note Missing Work

Goal: Check your grades in all of your classes. Note missing assignments so you can complete them and turn them in.

Update Agenda

Click HERE or the Assignment Calendar on the right sidebar to get the revised calendar for the week.

Tech Tutorial #1: NEO

Click HERE for a Google Doc of the Tech Tutorial.

Graphic explaining symbols in NEO gradebook


Homework: Read 30 Minutes Daily. Finish checking grades (if needed)

Enroll in NEO (Day 2)


1) Complete the Starter Tasks

Take out the signed portion of the Letter to Parents, Caregivers, and Guardians. Make sure you have printed your first and last name on the slip of paper. Put your signed paper into the Completed Work basket.

Copy this week’s assignments in your agenda: Click HERE for the assignment calendar.

2) Enroll in NEO

Next, click HERE for directions on How to Access NEO. We are the first class of the year to try the procedure, so we may have a few bumps as we try it out. Thank you for being willing to go first.

For video tutorials, click the following links:

3) If You finish Early,

Try playing the game Free Rice. For each answer you get right, they donate 10 grains of rice to the United Nations World Food Program.

Homework: If we successfully enrolled in NEO, invite your parents. Click HERE and scroll to page 2 for directions.