Thursday, March 21: Reading Ladder Reflection for Quarter 3

Click HERE for Unit 7: Poetry Workshop HyperDoc

Learning Targets: Track your reading progress for third quarter. List books from easiest to most challenging. Set specific goals for next quarter.


  • Absent Yesterday? Read the blog. Publish one poem
  • Due Today #026 Weekly Pages 12: Google Classroom > #026 > MARK AS DONE
  • Friday 3/23 Book Talks


1) Starter: Golden 10 

Open Google Classroom and assignment #024 Golden 10: Weekly Work Chart.

Read the directions.

Spend 10 minutes on late work or “To do if I have time…”


2) # 029 Quarter 3 Reading Ladder Reflection

Open #029 Reading Ladder Reflection Quarter 3  in Google Classroom. Read the instructions.

Choose one goal from the Potential Goals for Readers. This goal must be in your reflection.

Read my example below as a mentor text.


3) #022 Poetry Workshop HyperDoc: Publish

Open #022 Poetry Workshop in Google Classroom.

Open the link to the Poetry Workshop HyperDoc.

Scroll to Publish and read the directions. Watch the video tutorials (on the #VisiblePoem Slide Deck) to get started.



3) Debrief & Exit Routine

Open the #03assignment in Google Classroom. Answer the questions below:

Socrative / ENG7RM402

MONITORING: How many books did you finish this quarter? How many books have you finished this year?


Homework: Read, Charge Your iPad, Read, Charge iPad, #029 Reading Ladder Qtr. 3, #022 Publish Free Verse Poem


Tuesday, February 27: Monitoring Progress on Argumentative Writing

Click HERE for Unit 6: Take a Stand Site

Learning Targets: Monitor your own progress. Set goals for success.


  • Absent Yesterday? Read yesterday’s blog for details on Flocabulary
  • Book Talks Friday 3/2


1) Starter: Golden 10

Complete today’s weekly work chart. Spend 10 minutes on late work or on To do when you are done.


2) Monitor and Discuss

Go to the Google Classroom assignment titled MONITOR & DISCUSS.

Study the Why Workshop? slide presentationn

Answer the questions in Google Classroom. Respond to at least two classmates.


3) Workshop or PAT

Some of you will use this time to catch up Unit 6: Take a Stand. See your Weekly Work Chart in Google Classroom.


4) Debrief & Exit Routine


Homework: Read, Charge Your iPad, LATE Argument Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4