Wednesday, November 29: The Outsiders Chapter 1

Goals: Read Outsiders Ch. 1. Respond with Planning and Goal Setting.


  • If you did not finish the Outsiders research yesterday, please complete it on your own. You can find your copy in Google Drive.
  • Congratulations! 10 Students have publish their explanatory writing (Instruction Guide to Happiness). If you have not published, points will be subtracted beginning today.

1) Starter

Click HERE to answer the starter question in Google Classroom.

Watch the “Wake-Up” Wednesday video and use the cognitive strategy Making Predictions to respond.


2) Read Outsiders Ch. 1

3) Close Reading Response

Click HERE to read about how to respond to what you read in The Outsiders.

For your own copy of the assignment, go to Google Classroom (click HERE).

4) Workshop Time

  • Finish your Instruction Guide to Happiness
  • Finish your Outsiders Research
  • Finish reading Ch. 1 or start reading and annotating your first nonfiction article in Newsela. Click HERE for directions on getting started.


Homework: Outsiders Ch. 1, Close Reading Response