Wednesday, January 10: Nonfiction Connections

Outsiders Website: 

Goals: Make a connection between a topic in an nonfiction article and themes in The Outsiders


  • Absent yesterday? Make sure you turn in close reading responses to Google Classroom and your movie permission to the completed work box.
  • Some students still need to respond with “Thank you” or another question or comment in Google Classroom (Studying the Outsiders assignment). Please Turn In your responses if you are done.
  • Tomorrow in class: STAR Reading Assessment

1) Starter

Click HERE to open the starter in Google Classroom.

Wake Up Wednesday Motivational Video

WEDNESDAY (TAPPING PRIOR KNOWLEDGE): Watch the “Wake Up Wednesday” motivational video. For the starter, type one positive or motivational thing you could say to a classmate about getting through a test, a da, or a week. NOTE: You will say this out loud too.

2) Planning and Goal Setting (Think / Pair / Share)

Read today’s workshop priorities. Think about what you need to accomplish in order to finish the Outsiders project by Friday.

  • What do you need to finish today in class?
  • What do you plan on finishing after school?
  • What help do you need?

3) Workshop

Read the following checklist for today’s workshop priorities. Whatever you do not finish is homework.


4) Exit Routine

Before you leave, complete the routine outlined below:

Thursday, November 30: Outsiders Chapter 2 & Close Reading

Image Credit: @DrGarcia via Flickr

Goals: Read Chapter 2. Choose a cognitive strategy to respond. Add a transition word.


  • Instruction Guide to Happiness: Congratulations to those who have published their explanatory writing piece (Instruction Guide to Happiness). If you have not revised, proofread, and published yet, please do so today for partial credit.
  • Absent Yesterday? Read the blog from yesterday. Be sure to complete the starter, read Ch. 1, and complete one close reading response.
  • Outsiders Research: If you did not complete the Outsiders research in the library, please finish it for homework. If you finish by Friday, you can still earn full credit.
  • Changes to Assignment Calendar: Click HERE to see the revised calendar for this week.

1) Starter

Click HERE to open the starter in Google Classroom.



2) Read Outsiders Ch. 2


3) Close Reading Response

Click HERE to read about how to respond to what you read in The Outsiders.

For your own copy of the assignment, go to Google Classroom (click HERE).

Use the Cognitive Strategies Booklet to write an extended response (2 – 3 complete sentences).


4) Workshop Time

  • Finish your Instruction Guide to Happiness
  • Finish your Outsiders Research
  • Finish reading Ch. 1 or start reading and annotating your first nonfiction article in Newsela. Click HERE for directions on getting started.



HOMEWORK: Read Ch. 2, 1 – 2 Close Reading Responses, Finish Outsiders Research



Reading Workshop & Draft Your Narrative

Goals: Read. Start the first draft of you narrative.


  • Absent Friday? Update your reading log. Finish your storyboard. Finish No Red Ink Assignments 1 and 2. Take No Red Ink Quiz.
  • Quarter Ends Friday: Reading Ladder Reflection (Assessment) Due, All Late Work Due
  • Substitute Tomorrow: Finish Narrative. Good Report = PAT Time Friday

1) Reading Workshop

2) Agenda

Copy this week’s assignments in your agenda. For the month view, click HERE.

Week 9 Assignments

3) Motivational Monday

Watch the GVJH promotional video. Think about how you connect to the text.

Making ConnectionsShare your connection with a partner. Use the following sentence stems to help you get started.

Making Connections

  • I can relate to the part where…
  • I experienced something similar when…
  • This reminds me of…


4) Writing Workshop

Draft Your Narrative

  • First, make sure your storyboard is complete and uploaded to Google Drive. Click HERE for a video tutorial.
  • Next, go to Google Classroom and open the Draft Your Narrative assignment (click HERE).
  • Read the narrative prompt. Highlight key words.
  • Start typing. Use your storyboard to help you.

Homework: Read. Charge your iPad. Draft Narrative (1/2). Late Work (Storyboard, No Red Ink)