Wednesday, November 8: “Truth” and Happiness

Goals: Add list about what makes you happy. Read and reread the poem “Truth” and make a conclusion about the author’s message.


  • You should be DONE with first two happiness assignments.
  • Absent yesterday? Log in to and complete the first two articles.
  • Even though the reading log is not checked this week, you sill need to read every day. Next week’s reading will count double.

1) Starter

Complete the starter on Google Classroom. You will be asked to answer the following question:

2) “Wonderful Wednesday” Video: “What Makes You Happy?”

  • Open your English Journal Doc where you started a list of what makes you happy for Weekly Pages 6. Click HERE for the directions.
  • MAKING CONNECTIONS: Watch the video “What Makes You Happy?” As you watch, think about whether or not you relate to any of the experiences.
  • Add new ideas to your happiness list.

3) Read and Annotate “Truth”

First open the poem “Truth” on Google Classroom. It will be a PDF. Read the poem at least 3 times. Annotate the PDF using the tools in Google Classroom.

  • FIRST READ: Read and write a questions (Asking Questions)
  • SECOND READ: Read and choose a golden line (Analyzing Craft)
  • THIRD READ: Read your golden line out loud and listen to others’s lines. What do you notice? (Analyzing Craft)

4) “Truth”

  • Go to and log in with Google.
  • Read the poem “Truth.”
  • Answer the guided question and assessment questions.

5) Finished? Choose from “What to Do When You Are Done” List

HOMEWORK: Read. Charge iPad. Finish all texts. Complete Weekly Pages 6 (150 words)


Reading & Writing Workshop


Goals: Read and keep track of progress. Practice editing dialogue, and show what you learned on the first quiz. Reflect on what you learned this week in your English Journal.


  • If your Story Structure Doc is not complete, please finish it and Request a Regrade. This is an assessment grade.
  •  The quarter ends in one week. Keep track of the pages you’ve read because you need that for your final reading assessment.
  • When you finish a Google Doc assignment, always make sure it is in your English 7  Folder and shared with Otherwise I can’t see it!

Reading & Writing Workshop

1) Read & Update #BookLove Reading Log

Click HERE for how to give a book talk.

2) Polish your storyboard:

  • Proofread the captions. Add capitals and periods.
  • Add at least two transitions (for anchor chart click HERE).
  • Make sure you have added details to the whole square. Show the setting (time and place).

3) Photograph your storyboard and upload it to your English folder in Google Drive.

Rename the file(s): Period Last Name First Name Storyboard

4) No Red Ink: Dialogue

  • Assignment 1
  • Assignment 2
  • Quiz 1

5) What to Do When You Are Done… See ideas on the right sidebar.

Homework: Read. Charge your iPad. Complete late work (storyboard, story structure, no red ink)


Read, Motivational Monday, & Pixar Story Spines

Goals: Read. Respond to a short video about learning. Use Pixar’s story spine to write a narrative.


  • If you did not finish the learning log from Friday, please finish it today. I will not regrade after today.
  • No weekly pages this week or next week. Concentrate on writing your narrative.
  • Google Classroom Update: You will still use the app to GET assignments. Just don’t use the turn in feature.

1) Read

2) Record this week’s assignments in your agenda.

Click HERE or click the Assignment Calendar in the right sidebar.

3) Motivational Monday: Everyone Can Learn

Pair Share: Respond to the video with one of the following cognitive strategies:

  • Summarizing: The key information is…
  • ReflectingRelating: A conclusion I’m drawing is… OR The big idea is…

4) Story Structure by Pixar & Kahn Academy (Ex. 1)

  • After watching the video, open the assignment in Google Classroom (click HERE.)
  • Type your answers on Google Docs, not the PDF version.
  • DO NOT TURN IN GOOGLE CLASSROOM. There is a glitch. Don’t worry, I can still see your work.
  • Finish Exercise 1 today.

Homework: Story Structure Ex. 1,Read, Charge iPad, Revise Learning Log if Needed

Reading Workshop & We Are All Storytellers

Image with Pixar Characters

Goals: Read. Think of three favorite films and respond using the following cognitive strategies: evaluating, making connections, and reflecting and relating.


  • Check NEO grade. If you are missing an assignment, please complete it and send an email or NEO message to me.
  • Absent Friday? Update #BookLove reading log & Share with Ms. McMillan, Complete We Are Storytellers Ex. 2, Part A
  • Complete the No Red Ink Diagnostic assignment (if you have not).
  • Tech Tip: Download YouTube app and sign in with your school Google account. If needed, press your account profile and Settings. Press Filter to make sure you are on “restricted access.”

1) Read

2) Agenda & Announcements

Click HERE or click on the assignment calendar in the right sidebar. Write this week’s assignments in your GVJH agenda.

3) Motivational Monday

Watch this video from Pixar story creators.

Use the cognitive reflecting and relating to respond to the video (think / pair / share).

Image and sentence stems for reflecting and relating

4) We Are All Storytellers Ex. 2 

  • Go to Google Drive.
  • Open We Are All Storytellers and scroll to Ex. 2.
  • Reread what you completed on Friday. Make sure you have answered each question thoroughly.
  • Use the cognitive strategies listed to compose your responses. Click HERE for all strategies and sentence starters.

5) If you finish early, move on to We Are All Storytellers Ex. 3 exercise 3

Reading Workshop + Finish “What Do Fish…?”

This Dog Knows How to Participate in a Reading Workshop.

Goal: Read. Keep track of your progress. Use cognitive strategies to comprehend, analyze, and reflect.

1) Announcements

  • Thank you for your scholarly behavior in the library yesterday.
  • Did you turn in your library catalog work? Check NEO for credit.
  • Did you turn in your Weekly Pages to Google Classroom? Check NEO for credit.
  • We start our new unit on Monday: The Art of Storytelling. Please bring ear buds if you have them.
  • Raffle

2) Read

3) #BookLove Reading Log for 9/22 

  • Find your #BookLove Reading Log in Google Drive.
  • Update it for this week (9/22).
  • Open Google Classroom and #BookLove Reading Log for 9/22 (or click the link).
  • Press Add attachment and select your reading log.
  • Turn in.


4) “What Do Fish” Cognitive Strategy Launch 

  • Click HERE to open the assignment in Google Classroom.
  • Open YOUR “What Do Fish…?” Google Doc.
  • Continue reading where we left off yesterday.
  • Use cognitive strategies to respond to the story in each WHITE box.
  • Turn in  to Google Classroom.

Homework: Read 30  minutes daily. Charge your iPad.