Tuesday, April 3: Reflecting & Relating

Goals: Check all of your grades and comments on NEO. Write a reflection about your own scholarly progress and set goals for 4th quarter.


  • SBAC Testing–Practice over the next two weeks. Multiple-choice ELA test starts April 16.
  • SBAC Testing–Do you have your state ID number?
  • 4th Quarter Booktalk will count for an assessment grade. Click HERE to sign up.
  • Are you missing work from Unit 7 (Poetry)? Please finish the assignments and Request a Regrade.
  • MARK AS DONE or TURN IN everything in Google Classroom.


1. #034 Starter: Complete today’s starter in Google Classroom. See your classmates’s responses. MARK AS DONE.

If you missed class today, you can see the #TerrificTuesday video HERE. Respond with the cognitive strategy Revising Meaning.

2. #035 Agenda: Open the Unit Calendar in Google Classroom. Write this week’s assignments in your Agenda. MARK AS DONE.

3. #036 Check Your Grades in NEO & Reflect on Your Progress: Open the #036 Check Your Grades Doc in Google Classroom. Check your NEO grades and reflect on your progress as a scholar. TURN IN to Google Classroom.

4. #037 Weekly Pages 13 (Due Thursday): Start the Weekly Pages on the top of your English Journal. Include today’s date (aligned left) and the title Weekly Pages 13. Click HERE for writing ideas.

5. Debrief & Exit: Two Truths & a Lie!

Homework: Read 30 minutes, charge iPad, Weekly Pages 13 (Due Thursday)

Tech Tutorial #1: Check Your Grades and Note Missing Work

Goal: Check your grades in all of your classes. Note missing assignments so you can complete them and turn them in.

Update Agenda

Click HERE or the Assignment Calendar on the right sidebar to get the revised calendar for the week.

Tech Tutorial #1: NEO

Click HERE for a Google Doc of the Tech Tutorial.

Graphic explaining symbols in NEO gradebook


Homework: Read 30 Minutes Daily. Finish checking grades (if needed)