Thursday, February 14: Golden 10 and PAT

Goals: Catch up on missing or incomplete work. If you are finished with all of your assigned work, participate in a PAT.


  • Mid-Quarter Progress Report Grade–Check NEO to see the grade that will be sent home this week.
  • PAT Today = Students will good report form substitute and with all assignments completed.
  • Raffle at 12:11

1) STARTER: Golden 10

Go to Google Classroom to open your own copy of the Weekly Work Chart. Take a few minutes to write the assignments you need to complete today.

Use the Golden 10 to work on that missing or incomplete work. If you finish early, start on Need to do or To do if you have time.


2) PAT Time

Students who received a good report from yesterday’s substitute AND who are caught up with their assignments have earned 25 minutes of PAT (preferred activity time).


3) Debrief & Exit Routine

Homework: Read, Charge iPad

Wednesday, February 14: Two More Argumentative Writing Seeds

Goals: Catch up on missing or incomplete work. Use cognitive strategies to read and analyze an article from The New York Times Learning Network. Write two argumentative “writing seeds” in response to the question “Do Teachers Assign Too Much Homework?” and “Can Money Buy  You Happiness?”


  • Spelling Bee today in RM 315 @ lunch
  • PAT Time tomorrow for students who are respectful to our substitute teacher and who finish today’s work.

1) STARTER: Golden 10

Go to Google Classroom to open your own copy of the Weekly Work Chart. Take a few minutes to write the assignments you need to complete today.

Use the Golden 10 to work on that missing or incomplete work. If you finish early, start on Need to do or To do if you have time.


2) Writing Seeds 2 & 3

Click HERE to open the directions for Argumentative Writing Seeds.

Write your response at the top of your English Journal. Title the entry Weekly Pages 11.


If you finish early, refer to your Weekly Work Chart in Google Classroom for what to do next.


3) If You Finish ALL assignments from Weekly Work Chart, Choose from What to Do When You Are Done in the right sidebar.


Homework: Read, Charge iPad, Writing Seeds 1, 2, and 3 (Weekly Pages 11)


Tuesday, February 13: Writing Seed 1–How Should Parents Handle a Bad Report Card?

Goals: Catch up on missing or incomplete work. Use cognitive strategies to read and analyze an article from The New York Times Learning Network. Write an argumentative “writing seed” in response to the question “What Should Parents Do About a Bad Report Card”?


  • Spelling Bee tomorrow in RM 315 @ lunch
  • Substitute Tomorrow: Writing Seeds #2 and #3 in Weekly Pages 11–PAT Time for those who finish.

1) STARTER: Golden 10

Go to Google Classroom to open your own copy of the Weekly Work Chart. Take a few minutes to write the assignments you still need to complete.

Use the Golden 10 to work on that missing or incomplete work. If you finish early, start on Need to do or To do if you have time.


2) Writing Seed #1: What Should Parents Do About a Bad Report Card?

Click HERE to open the directions for Argumentative Writing Seeds.

Write your response at the top of your English Journal. Title the entry Weekly Pages 11.


If you finish early, refer to your Weekly Work Chart in Google Classroom for what to do next.


3) Debrief & Exit Routine

Click HERE for the exit routine.


Homework: Read, Charge iPad, Writing Seed #1


Monday, February 12: Reading Workshop & Argument Writing Seed #1

Goal: Read and keep track of progress. Participate in book talks. Start writing Weekly Pages 11 (Writing Seed #1)  


  • Unit 5: What Makes a Good Argument Progress Check: Some of you still need to turn in Expanding Summary #1 and finish all activities for Newsela Article #2. Click HERE for the directions.
  • GVJHS Spelling Bee: RM 315 at Lunch on Wednesday, February 14. Click the following links for more information:

1) Reading Workshop

Read for 15 minutes. Participate in book talks by either presenting or by listening and adding to your My Next Reads list in the Notes app.

Open book and reading workshop text

Requirements for 60-Second Booktalk

2) Agenda

Copy this week’s assignments in your agenda. For the full month view and active links, click Assignment Calendar in the right sidebar.

3) Weekly Pages 11: Writing Seed 1

Click HERE for the list of argumentative writing seeds.

Set up your English Journal with today’s date and the title Weekly Pages 10 on the top of the Doc.

4) 4-Point Grading Scale

Click HERE for the link to see the 4-point grading scale.

5) Debrief & Exit

Click HERE to open the #MotivationalMonday video in YouTube

Homework: Read, Charge Your iPad,  LATE Newsela #2 and Summary #2