Friday, March 16: Write Your Own Rhyme

Click HERE for Unit 7: Poetry Workshop HyperDoc

Learning Targets: Read. Update your reading log (track your progress). Show what you know about poetic terms on a quiz and in a rhyme.


  • Absent Yesterday? Check the blog and complete the Flocabulary What Is Poetry? VOCAB and READ & RESPOND
  • Book Talks Monday 3/19


1) Read and Update #BookLove Reading Log

EXAMPLE for 3/16


2) Flocabulary: What Is Poetry? QUIZ and CREATE

  • Study your VOCAB flash cards to prepare for the quiz. It will count as an assessment grade. When you are ready, press QUIZ to take the quiz.
  • CREATE your own rhyme using the poetic terms. Watch the How-to video in Flocabulary before you start. Your rhyme must show you understand the meanings of the poetic terms. Press Save when you are done.
  • If you finish early, revise your argument draft  and complete the Request a Regrade form (see tabs above) or go to and work your assignments.

NOTE: If you earn lower than 70% on the Flocabulary QUIZ, please study your flash cards and Request a Regrade.

Homework: Read, Charge iPad, Flocabulary: What Is Poetry? (QUIZ & CREATE)

Thursday, March 15: Alliteration, Onomatopoeia, Similes, and More!

Click HERE for Unit 6: Take a Stand Site

Click HERE for Unit 7: Poetry Workshop HyperDoc

Learning Targets: Analyze the author’s craft with an animated poem. Learn and practicing using poetic terms.


  • Absent Yesterday? Check the blog and start the What Is Poetry? Flocabulary lesson.
  • Make-Up: Monitor & Discuss Assessment
  • Regrade for Written Argument (Due Today): Revise based on my feedback. Request a regrade (lower than 3).
  • Book Talks Monday 3/19


1) Starter: Golden 10 (Revising Your Argument Draft from Feedback)

Complete today’s weekly work chart. Spend 10 minutes on late work or on To do when you are done.


2) Flocabulary: What Is Poetry? VOCAB and READ & RESPOND

  • Complete the VOCAB flash cards. Include illustrations.
  • Next, complete the READ & RESPOND section.
  • Study your VOCAB flash cards to prepare for the quiz. You can take that today or tomorrow. It will count as an assessment grade.
  • If you finish early, revise your argument draft  and complete the Request a Regrade form (see tabs above) or go to and work your assignments.


Homework: Read, Charge iPad, Flocabulary: What Is Poetry? (VOCAB, READ & RESPOND), study VOCAB flash cards

Wednesday, March 14: What Is Poetry?

Click HERE for Unit 6: Take a Stand Site

Click HERE for Unit 7: Poetry Workshop HyperDoc

Learning Targets: Analyze the author’s craft with an animated poem. Learn and practicing using poetic terms.


  • Absent Yesterday? Check the blog, Complete Newsela: Anne Frank, Reply to My Feedback on Argument Draft
  • Make-Up: Monitor & Discuss Assessment
  • Regrade for Written Argument (Due Tomorrow): Revise based on my feedback. Request a regrade (lower than 3).
  • Make-Up Speeches
  • Book Talks Monday 3/19


1) Starter: Golden 10 (Revising Your Argument Draft from Feedback)

Complete today’s weekly work chart. Spend 10 minutes on late work or on To do when you are done.


2) Wake-Up Wednesday


3) Unit 7: Poetry Workshop HyperDoc

  • Open Unit 7: Poetry Workshop HyperDoc in Google Classroom.
  • Spend some time reading what you will be doing this unit. Click the links. Look at the directions.
  • At my signal go back to the original Poetry Workshop HyperDoc.


4) Flocabulary: What Is Poetry? WATCH

  • Go to > Log in with Google > Click What Is Poetry?
  • Open the LYRICS (under video). DO NOT play the video.
  • Read along as we listen. Be prepared for a quick review.


4) Flocabulary: What Is Poetry? VOCAB

  • Complete the VOCAB flash cards. Include illustrations.
  • If you finish early, revise your argument draft  and complete the Request a Regrade form (see tabs above) or go to and work your assignments.


Homework: Read, Charge iPad, Revise Argument from Feedback and Request Regrade, (Late) Finish Newsela Article: “Anne Frank”


March 12: Meet in the Library for a Poetry Read-Around

Image: Christy Birmingham via Flickr

Learning Targets: Read. Participate in book talks. Read a few poems from different poetry anthologies.


  • Absent Friday? Check the blog, Make-Up Speech, Turn in Argument Draft to G Classroom
  • Make-Up: Monitor & Discuss Assessment
  • Regrade for Written Argument: Revise based on my feedback. Request a regrade (lower than 3).
  • Congrats to Argument Speech Winners! (Stay Tuned)

1)  Agenda

Copy this week’s assignments in your agenda. For the full month view and active links, click Assignment Calendar in the right sidebar.

3) Book Talks

4) Make-Up Argument Speeches & Congratulations to the Winners!

5) Poetry ReadAround

Spend about 4 minutes with each book. If you like one, you can check it out.

6) Browse & Checkout or Renew Library Books

After you finish browsing and checking out books, sit down and read.

6)  Exit & Debrief

Socrative / ENG7RM402–> EVALUATING: What book are your reading? Why did you choose it?

Homework: Read, Charge Your iPad, Revise Argument from Feedback, LATE written arguments