Wednesday, May 23: Newsela Nonfiction Connections

Click HERE for theUnit 9: Among the Hidden website.

Goals: Read a nonfiction article, respond with three annotations, take a comprehension quiz, and write a paragraph identifying the main idea and supporting it with textual evidence.


  • All library books due May 25.
  • iPad return June 4
  • Digital Portfolio project due June 6


2) FINISH #068 Newsela Article: An 11-year-old gives an inspiring speech at March for Our Lives

Open the assignment in Google Classroom. You may change the Lexile level if it seems too hard or too easy.

  • Annotate the article: As you read, select three passages to highlight. For your response, choose a “Track Your Thinking” prompt from the Thought Log (Click HERE). Include the cognitive strategy abbreviation.
  • Write to the Newsela prompt. This is an assessment grade.
  • Take the Quiz.

FINISHED EARLY? Read another article from the Among the Hidden text set (click HERE). Complete the same 3 steps as you did for the assignment above. Annotate with “Track Your Thinking” prompts. Note the cognitive strategies used. Write. Take the quiz. When you finish complete the I’m Finished form (top menu).


Homework: Charge iPad, Finish #66 Voice Actors on Flipgrid, Finish #068 Newsela Article

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