Tuesday, May 8: Form Interpretations with “That Statements”

Click HERE for the Among the Hidden Unit 9 website.

Learning Targets: Form interpretations with “That Statements.” Refer to the text. Elaborate on your responses.  Revise your work.


  • Book Talks Schedule
  • Mini-quiz 1 Today! 
  • Continue Independent Reading at Home


1) #061 Starter (Mini Quiz 1)

Go to Google Classroom to open today’s starter. You will be asked to respond to a specific passage from Among the Hidden. Use your book and the “track your thinking” sentence starters and questions to write at least a paragraph.

Read the grading scale below to see how your response will be scored.


2) Read and #058 Thought Log

Continue reading Among the Hidden. Track your thinking as your read.

Take a few minutes to practice your reading fluency. See the graphic below for tips.

Voice Actors Wanted

After reading for 25 minutes, open #058 Thought Log in Google Classroom.

Write today’s Thought Log entry. Start with That Statements, which help you form interpretations about a specific passage in the book. Include the page number you are referring to.


Work on elaborating your response. Say more than you normally would.  Spend two minutes revising what you wrote.


3) Debrief


Homework: Read, Charge Your iPad, Continue Reading Your Self-Selected Reading Book

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