Thursday, April 26: #ThoughtfulThursday & Poetry Workshop

Goals: Watch a animated video of a poem. Analyze craft and form an evidence-supported interpretation. Revise your visible poem and write two supportive, academic comments to other students.


  • Performance Task day 2 tomorrow
  • Book talks for tomorrow and next Friday (May 4)


1.#052 Starter #ThoughtfulThursday Video

Open the #052 Starter in Google Classroom.

The #052 Starter has two questions. Watch the video twice and answer one part after each viewing.

  1. ANALYZING CRAFT: A golden line for me is…
  2. FORMING INTERPRETATIONS: The idea I’m getting is… OR What this means to me is…

Support your interpretation with evidence from the video.

When you finish, press See previous responses to read what your classmates wrote.

3. #022 Poetry Workshop

Open the #o22 Poetry Workshop in Google Classroom.

Reread the directions. Open the Poetry Workshop HyperDoc and reread the Publish section. Revise your poem, add two comments to other students, and MARK AS DONE. If you have time, complete the EXTEND activity.


Homework: Read, Charge iPad, Finish Poetry Workshop

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