Tuesday, April 3: Reflecting & Relating

Goals: Check all of your grades and comments on NEO. Write a reflection about your own scholarly progress and set goals for 4th quarter.


  • SBAC Testing–Practice over the next two weeks. Multiple-choice ELA test starts April 16.
  • SBAC Testing–Do you have your state ID number?
  • 4th Quarter Booktalk will count for an assessment grade. Click HERE to sign up.
  • Are you missing work from Unit 7 (Poetry)? Please finish the assignments and Request a Regrade.
  • MARK AS DONE or TURN IN everything in Google Classroom.


1. #034 Starter: Complete today’s starter in Google Classroom. See your classmates’s responses. MARK AS DONE.

If you missed class today, you can see the #TerrificTuesday video HERE. Respond with the cognitive strategy Revising Meaning.

2. #035 Agenda: Open the Unit Calendar in Google Classroom. Write this week’s assignments in your Agenda. MARK AS DONE.

3. #036 Check Your Grades in NEO & Reflect on Your Progress: Open the #036 Check Your Grades Doc in Google Classroom. Check your NEO grades and reflect on your progress as a scholar. TURN IN to Google Classroom.

4. #037 Weekly Pages 13 (Due Thursday): Start the Weekly Pages on the top of your English Journal. Include today’s date (aligned left) and the title Weekly Pages 13. Click HERE for writing ideas.

5. Debrief & Exit: Two Truths & a Lie!

Homework: Read 30 minutes, charge iPad, Weekly Pages 13 (Due Thursday)

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