Wednesday, March 14: What Is Poetry?

Click HERE for Unit 6: Take a Stand Site

Click HERE for Unit 7: Poetry Workshop HyperDoc

Learning Targets: Analyze the author’s craft with an animated poem. Learn and practicing using poetic terms.


  • Absent Yesterday? Check the blog, Complete Newsela: Anne Frank, Reply to My Feedback on Argument Draft
  • Make-Up: Monitor & Discuss Assessment
  • Regrade for Written Argument (Due Tomorrow): Revise based on my feedback. Request a regrade (lower than 3).
  • Make-Up Speeches
  • Book Talks Monday 3/19


1) Starter: Golden 10 (Revising Your Argument Draft from Feedback)

Complete today’s weekly work chart. Spend 10 minutes on late work or on To do when you are done.


2) Wake-Up Wednesday


3) Unit 7: Poetry Workshop HyperDoc

  • Open Unit 7: Poetry Workshop HyperDoc in Google Classroom.
  • Spend some time reading what you will be doing this unit. Click the links. Look at the directions.
  • At my signal go back to the original Poetry Workshop HyperDoc.


4) Flocabulary: What Is Poetry? WATCH

  • Go to > Log in with Google > Click What Is Poetry?
  • Open the LYRICS (under video). DO NOT play the video.
  • Read along as we listen. Be prepared for a quick review.


4) Flocabulary: What Is Poetry? VOCAB

  • Complete the VOCAB flash cards. Include illustrations.
  • If you finish early, revise your argument draft  and complete the Request a Regrade form (see tabs above) or go to and work your assignments.


Homework: Read, Charge iPad, Revise Argument from Feedback and Request Regrade, (Late) Finish Newsela Article: “Anne Frank”


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