Wednesday, February 21: Find Your Evidence

Click HERE for Unit 6: Take a Stand Site

Learning Targets: Take notes from two sources. Find evidence to support the claim you want to make in your argument.


  • Date changes: We will visit the library on Friday (not Thursday). The Mentor Text assignment will be completed in class on Thursday. Click HERE for the assignment calendar.
  • Absent yesterday? Click HERE for yesterday’s blog post. Please complete all assignments.
  • Book Talks on Friday
  • NEO Grades–Go for a score of 3 on all assignments. Request a regrade if you don’t get a 3.


1) Starter: Golden 10

Complete today’s weekly work chart. Spend 10 minutes on late work or on To do when you are done.


2) Wake-Up Wednesday

Use the cognitive strategy CLARIFYING to respond.  Write your response on the Socrative App: ENG7RM402


3) Workshop Time

Click HERE for directions on the Unit 6: Take a Stand site. Here are today’s priorities:

1. Prompt (Do / What): Complete the activity and Turn in to Google Classroom. (LATE)

2. Topic: Explore the topics and submit the Google Form with your choices. (LATE)

3. Research: Find your second source. Take notes. Turn completed notes into Google Classroom. (DUE TOMORROW)


4) Debrief & Exit Routine


Homework: Read, Charge Your iPad, Argument 1, 2, & 3 (Research)


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