Thursday, February 14: Golden 10 and PAT

Goals: Catch up on missing or incomplete work. If you are finished with all of your assigned work, participate in a PAT.


  • Mid-Quarter Progress Report Grade–Check NEO to see the grade that will be sent home this week.
  • PAT Today = Students will good report form substitute and with all assignments completed.
  • Raffle at 12:11

1) STARTER: Golden 10

Go to Google Classroom to open your own copy of the Weekly Work Chart. Take a few minutes to write the assignments you need to complete today.

Use the Golden 10 to work on that missing or incomplete work. If you finish early, start on Need to do or To do if you have time.


2) PAT Time

Students who received a good report from yesterday’s substitute AND who are caught up with their assignments have earned 25 minutes of PAT (preferred activity time).


3) Debrief & Exit Routine

Homework: Read, Charge iPad

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