Tuesday, February 6: Expanding Summary

Goal: Summarize the article about social media in 4 different ways. Use TAG (title, author, genre) to cite source information.


  • If you were absent, read yesterday’s blog post. You are responsible for completing all assignments: read, start weekly pages 10, finish Newsela #1, complete your GV agenda
  • Thank you to those who completed last week’s assignments for Newsela #1. If you did not finish, do not move on to article #2.
  • Thank you for bringing your fully charged iPad!

1) Starter

Go to Google Classroom and open today’s starter. When you finish, click See Previous Responses. Be prepared to share your own response or someone else’s.


TUESDAY (TAPPING PRIOR KNOWLEDGE): Define the word claim (in your own words). If you do not know what the word means, look it up online. You may need to read a few definitions. Then, write what you think it means in your own words. Look for the meaning as it relates to writing.


2) Minilesson: Expanding Summary #1 and TAG


Click HERE to open the Unit 5: What Makes a Good Argument?

Read the directions for Expanding Summary #1. Take a moment to click on the links in order to see the teacher example and find the video tutorial. Decide if you want to work on paper or on the digital version.




In Part 4, you are asked to give the source information. One way trick is to use TAG (title, author, genre). See the graphic below for an example of how to use TAG:


Copy the TAG sentence on to Part 4 of your own Expanding Summary.

Your goal to day is to complete the expanding summary either on paper or on Google Classroom. Turn in your finished work to Google Classroom.


VIDEO TUTORIAL: Click HERE to open the video tutorial in a new tab.


3) Workshop


Homework: Read, Charge iPad, Weekly Pages 10, Finish and Turn in Expanding Summary #1, Start Newsela Article #2

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