Monday, February 5: Reading Workshop & Reading Arguments

Goal: Read and keep track of progress. Participate in book talks. Start writing weekly pages 10 (your choice).  Complete work for Newsela article #1.


  • AbsentFriday? Complete your reading log and send me a message (email or NEO), so I can assign points. Make sure you have an independent reading book.
  • Bring fully charged iPad daily.
  • Unit 5: What Makes a Good Argument Progress Check: About half of you are ready to move on to the expanding summary or article #2. Half are still working on completing article #1.

1) Reading Workshop

Read for 15 minutes. Participate in book talks by either presenting or by listening and adding to your My Next Reads list in the Notes app.

Open book and reading workshop text


Requirements for 60-Second Booktalk


2) Agenda

Copy this week’s assignments in your agenda. For the full month view and active links, click Assignment Calendar in the right sidebar.

3) Weekly Pages 10

Click HERE to see writing ideas for your weekly pages. I recommend practicing with one of the following ideas to practice with argument writing:


Set up your English Journal with today’s date and the title Weekly Pages 10 on the top of the Doc.


4) Newsela Article #1 & Learning Targets

Your score in NEO reflects whether or not you have met the following learning target for reading informational materials:

LEARNING TARGET:  RI 7.1 Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. 

Check your score in NEO to see your progress. The slides embedded below have a simplified version of the scoring system. For a more detailed look, click on the assignment name Newsela Article #1


5) Workshop

Homework: Read & Bring Book, Charge Your iPad, Weekly Pages 10 (Due Thursday), LATE Newsela #1

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