Friday, January 5: Outsiders Ch. 11 & Evaluating

Image Credit: @DrGarcia via Flickr

Goals: Read Chapter 11 and complete 11 close reading strategies.


  • You should have 10 close reading responses done today. I will give you points and feedback based on your work so far.
  • Finish The Outsiders by Tuesday 1/9 (last day). All Outsiders activities, including Newsela and No Red Ink, are due Friday 1/12.
  • If you are done with The Outsiders, get a new book to read.

1) Read

2) Update #BookLove Reading Log

Record your reading from over the break and this week. Remember to include The Outsiders.




3) Workshop Time



HOMEWORK: Read Ch. 11 & Complete 11 Close Reading Responses, Read a Newsela article or complete the No Red Ink Pretest

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