Wednesday, October 25: Revise & Proofread Your Narrative

Goals: Set goals for revision. Add descriptive language to help readers visualize. Add transitions to help readers summarize. Proofread for errors.


Writing Workshop

Revise & Publish in 5 Steps

  1. Revise and Proofread Your Narrative (Steps 1 to 4) :

    •  Open Draft Your Narrative from Google Drive.
    • Use the Revise and Publish in 5 Steps handout to guide your work today.
    • Check off each item as you complete it.
    • Complete steps 1 to 4 today.
  2. If you finish steps 1 to 4—

    • Congratulations! You are ready to publish.
    • Follow the directions for step 5: Publish Your Draft to NEO. For a video tutorial, click here.
  3. Choose from “What to Do When You Are Done” (right sidebar)

Homework: Read. Charge iPad. Finish Revise and Publish (Steps 1 to 4)

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