We Are All Storytellers, Ex. 4: Characters & Worlds

Goals: Analyze the craft of three favorite films. Visualize the setting and characters or “world” of your own story idea.


  • DUE TODAY: Weekly Pages 4 & No Red Ink Assignment 1
  • Missing Work:
    • Two students still need to share the English 7 Google Drive folder with amcmillan@sbunified.org
    • Three students still need to finish No Red Ink Diagnostic
    • Two students did not share the We Are All Storytellers Doc
  • If you want an assignment regraded, press the Request a Regrade tab (upper right of blog)

1) Revise and Edit Weekly Pages 4

  • Open your English Journal
  • Make sure your Weekly Pages follow the formatting and content directions below:

  • Did you include two examples of dialogue or flow quotes? Did you highlight the examples? Did you use correct punctuation and capitalization? See the example below.


Example Weekly Pages


  • Is Weekly Pages 4 on the top of the Doc?
  • Did you press Share and make sure your Doc has been shared with amcmillan@sbunified.org?

2) We Are All Storytellers, Ex. 3: Characters & Worlds

  • Open your copy of the We Are All Storytellers Google Doc. This should be in your English 7 Google Drive folder. For a copy see the NEO assignment.
  • Scroll to Exercise 4.
  • Watch the video and complete Parts A to D.
  • Be prepared to share Part C in small groups or with the class.

Homework: Read, Charge your iPad, Finish We Are All Storytellers, Ex. 4

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