Library Visit and Book Checkout


Goal: Learn how to use the online library catalog. Check out a book or three or four. Read.

1) Announcements

  • Weekly Pages 2 Due Today: Turn in to Google Classroom under English Journal. Click HERE to go to Google Classroom.
  • The book you checked out three weeks ago is due! Turn it in or renew it.

2) Find Online Library Catalog and Add to Home Screen

  • In Safari, go to GV’s website at Add this to your home screen if you have not done it yet.
  • Click on Academics and Library.
  • Choose Library Catalog from School. (If you are at home, choose Library Catalog from Home.)
  • Press the share button (box with arrow in upper right) and add the catalog to your home screen.
  • Change the name to Library Catalog and press Add
add to home screen

Add to home screen


3) Catalog Practice

Follow the directions below. Your answers are due by the end of the period. We are working on paper today.

(Absent Students: Type your response on Google Docs and share with

Click HERE to open the practice in a Google Doc.

Library Catalog Practice

4) Browse, Check Out Books, & Read

After you turn in your Catalog Practice, find a book (or two or three) to read. Get cozy and start reading.

Homework: Read 30 minutes daily (log completed tomorrow). Charge your iPad.


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