Start Your Year-Long English Doc

typewriter with crumpled paper

Goal: Start your year-long English Journal and your weekly pages #2. Continue reading “What Do Fish…” and responding with cognitive strategies.

1) Announcements

  • Check your NEO grade. Make sure you do not have any 0’s, AB’s, or M’s.
  • Library visit tomorrow. Everyone leaves with a book.
  • Bonus Point Opportunity: Try out No Red Ink. The directions are on the right sidebar under New Student Checklist.

2) English Journal Doc and Weekly Pages #2

In Google Classroom, click on the English Journal assignment (linked here).

Create a new Doc. This will be your English Journal for the entire year! Simply write today’s date on top and start writing.  The next time you type something, write the new date and type above the older entry.

For Weekly Pages 2 (Due Tomorrow):

  • Type today’s date at the top of your Doc (align left)
  • Type the title Weekly Pages 2 (align center)
  • Type 150 – 200 words (align left) on the topic of your choice. Click HERE for writing ideas.
  • Turn it in to Google Classroom

Spend about 10 minutes of class time writing. Your homework is to write at least 150 words for Weekly Pages 2.

3) What Do Fish…?

Continue reading and responding to the short story “What Do Fish Have to Do with Anything?” Click HERE to open the assignment in Google Classroom.

Homework: Read 30 minutes daily. Charge your iPad. Finish Weekly Pages 2. Meet in the library tomorrow (bring book / ID).


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